Celebrating 70 years of Innovation
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuators utilize a wire of a particular alloy of high strength corrosion resistant Nitinol material that contracts a specific amount when heated, and requires much less energy than alternative methods.
Shape Memory Alloy wire used in Drug Dispensing Unit
For this dispensing unit it was essential to develop a low profile release system. SMA wire eliminated the need for solenoids and increased the number of containers available in a given area, with flexible configuration management.
In addition to offering custom control that is difficult to match via traditional devices, Shape Memory Actuators also offer low cost, low power, generate less heat, are extremely lightweight and offer quiet operation.
Duration: 0:29
Shape Memory Alloy wire application​ | Mini Actuator
Rotational/Direct Pull Shape Memory Actuator is an ideal solution for flap and vent mechanisms and is well suited for ice dispensing and vented areas in appliance applications. As designed, the actuator can support a rotation up to 55° or a direct pull of 0.158” (4.1mm). The actuator also incorporates a unique “compliancy” or “wedge proof” design that overrides and protects the product from jamming situations, offering silent and power-efficient performance. Tested to greater than 500,000 cycles of continuous operation.
Duration: 0:41
Shape Memory Alloy wire assembly handling feeder / de-reeler
This fully automated machine is designed to remove Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire assemblies from PVC tape packaging, which is used to protect wire assemblies during shipment and to present assemblies for use in subsequent operations.

Talk to Josh Lojewski
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